Liam Reed
6 min read
We all know that water is vital for life. However, not drinking enough of it can also impact your health and well-being. Many people struggle to consume enough fluids during the day, which can lead to a wide range of issues. Here, we'll look at why staying hydrated is so important and give you some tips on how to do it. We'll also look at the best ways to stay hydrated beyond simply drinking water, and also what you should avoid. Let’s get started!
Drinking a couple of glasses a day be a enough to keep you alive, but low levels of water consumption will keep your body in a slightly dehydrated state. Let’s take a look at why proper hydration is so important.
Regulating Body Temperature – Without enough water, your body will struggle to regulate its temperature. This can lead to overheating and the inability to sweat as much as you need. This can be dangerous during physical activity or exercise.
Supporting Digestion – You need water for the digestion and absorption of nutrients. It will help you to dissolve vitamins and minerals so they can perform vital bodily functions.
Maintaining Joint Health – The cartilage that joins our bones together contains around 80% water. Keeping them hydrated will help with the cushioning and lubrication of these joints, meaning you have less pain and stiffness.
Transporting Nutrients and Oxygen – Water is a carrier of both nutrients and oxygen. Having a sufficient amount of oxygen in your body will mean they are able to effectively get to their destination
Removing Waste Products – Water is crucial for removing all waste from your body. Insufficient water intake will also increase your risk of kidney stones and infections.
Better Brain Health – Your brain is full of water and even a small reduction can have significant consequences. Being dehydrated is likely to affect your mood, productivity, and memory. If you want to stay alert and keep anxiety low, stay hydrated.
For many people, staying hydrated isn’t a simple task. You may not get thirsty as others and therefore are more inclined to have less water in a day than you should. Here are some tips to staying properly hydrated.
Drink Water – It’s the obvious point but find methods that work for you. Carry a reusable water bottle, set yourself goals, set reminders, sip throughout the day, or pair it with other activities. Doing one of these tips makes it much less likely you’ll forget to drink your water.
Hydration and Exercise – If you exercise, then staying hydrated becomes even more important. Make sure you’re taking on fluids before, during, and after your exercise. Using sports drinks that replace electrolytes is even better.
Check Urine Color – Your urine color is a huge indicator of your hydration levels. Ideally, it should be a pale yellow color. The more dehydrated you are, the darker your urine will be. If it is dark, make sure to take on fluids.
Eat Hydrating Foods – All food contains water, but some more than others. Fruits and vegetables are great for high water content and can supplement your fluid intake. Great examples are watermelon, cucumber, orange, and strawberries. Broths and soups are also brilliant for added water intake.
For many people, water can be a bit boring. If that’s your only option for staying hydrated, then you may struggle to drink as much as you need. That’s why we wanted to look at some of the best healthy alternatives to drinking water on its own.
Herbal Tea – There are many types of herbal tea such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger. Not only can they be tasty alternatives to water but they avoid the diuretic effects that can come from regular coffee and tea which contains caffeine.
Coconut Water – This is a great refreshing drink for those warmer days. Not only does it replenish fluids, but it will also be a natural source of electrolytes. This is makes it great for those who exercise.
Milk – Milk is another hydrating drink that has plenty of side benefits. It also contains electrolytes along with protein and health fats. Added to that, milk also contains calcium and vitamin D to make it an all-round healthy drink.
Fruit Juices – These can be a healthy alternative to water, but they need to be drunk in moderation. That's because they contain sugars which can be detrimental if drunk in high qualities. However, there is now a variety of fruit juices that are sugar-free.
Electrolyte Drinks – As we mentioned, electrolyte drinks are perfect for fluid intake when exercising. You do have to be careful what you buy, as some brands will add sugars and artificial ingredients which may not be healthy.
We’ve looked at the best alternatives to water, but what are the worst? Here are the drinks you should be avoiding if you want to stay hydrated.
Soft Drinks – These drinks contain a lot of sugar, and many of them contain caffeine.
Alcohol – Alcoholic drinks actually dehydrate you as it’s a diuretic, causing excessive urination.
Hot Chocolate – As with any drink, avoid too much sugar. Try to find a sugar-free alternative.
Coffee – As with alcohol, coffee is a diuretic. Choose decaf coffee instead or balance it out by drinking more water.
Energy Drinks – Sports drinks are good (without excess sugar) but energy drinks are bad. Even if they don’t contain sugar, they are almost certainly contain caffeine, and may contain salt.
Anything with Sugar – The bottom line is that anything containing sugar should be drunk in low quantities. This includes flavored milk but also drinks that are often deemed healthy, such as smoothies.
To stay hydrated simply means upping your water intake and also being mindful of what you’re eating and drinking. The likes of alcohol and coffee can still be a part of your diet, but it’s important to drink them in moderation. Find a method that works for you. For some it may be setting reminders on their phone, for others, it could be a part of their journaling goals. There are many benefits to staying hydrated, and a few subtle changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference.