Returning to Your Job After Having a Child: How to Integrate Back Into the Workplace Smoothly

Avery Hall


6 min read

You've just given birth to a child; your whole world has changed since you last were in the workplace. Gone are the days when getting as many hours in as possible before the weekend was your sole focus; now, there's someone else in the equation. Adapting back to work life can be hard as a new mother, especially if you haven't been in the office for a while. Maybe you're afraid of leaving your newborn child on their own with someone else, or you can't find a person to take care of them during your shift. These are typical challenges that mothers face when it comes to going back to work after giving birth. Integrating back into the workplace once the baby arrives can be smoother than you think. In this article, we're going to show you how to make the process as stress-free as possible. Let's begin!

Don't Rush Things

After your baby's arrival, you'll want to spend as much time with them as possible. There's no need to rush back to work; take every day as it comes, and don't be afraid to spend all the time you want with them. Every mother is different after they've given birth; some might jump on the opportunity to get back into the swing of things, while others may prefer to go slow. There's no right or wrong approach; do what suits you and your child.

Ease Yourself Into It

It's a massive step from having so much downtime with your little one to doing a full week's work. Start by easing yourself back into the workplace, maybe go part-time for a few weeks to see how well you can manage things. If you find you're able to take on more hours, then go back to working your original shift. You're better off trying to negotiate with your boss a less intense arrangement at the beginning rather than agreeing to do something and going back on your word afterward.

Arrange Reliable Childcare Before You Go Back

Getting someone you can rely on to take care of your child is essential for a smooth integration back to work. Your mind will be more at ease knowing they're in the hands of someone you trust, so you can focus on your job without worrying. Some people like to seek help from family members at the beginning because they know they can trust them. Alternatively, you could get in touch with a few local daycare services to see if they'd be a good fit for what you're looking for.

Don't Totally Knock the Idea of Working From Home

While this option may not be able available to everyone, if it's offered to you, consider taking it. Working in the comfort of your own home can be a great way to slowly integrate back into work life. You're still performing your daily activities without someone breathing down your neck, and you can look after your child at the same time. Working from home isn't for everyone, though. Some mothers may like the idea of getting out of the house for a while rather than being stuck inside all day with a screaming child in the background. However, there's no harm in giving it a shot and seeing if it works.

Talk to Your Boss Regularly

You might have initially agreed with your boss that you'll be back working on a specific date, but your mindset may have shifted slightly once your child has come along.

It's best to be upfront with your boss and talk to them regularly about your current situation. You need to let them know what you're going through, and you might not be able to fulfill that promise you gave them at the start if that's how you're feeling. Let them know your availability, maximum capacity, and outlook for your future in the company. They might be able to find a solution that suits both parties. Regardless, they'll appreciate you being upfront with them much more than letting them down at the last minute.

Make Sure Your Partner's on the Same Page

Having a partner on the same page as you can take a lot of stress out of resuming your career following having a baby. It would be wise to draw up a solid plan that outlines the jobs for you both, including things like who's picking the baby up from their childminder and the person that does feeding at certain times. It's vital to be open with each other at all times and constantly check in to see how you are feeling. If you see yourself getting overwhelmed and think going back to work is a bad idea, you should be comfortable saying that to them; your family is more important than anything else.

Have Some Alone Time

During those hours when your newborn is fast asleep, you'll notice you've got a lot more free time on your hands. It's best if you spend that time alone to reconnect with yourself and recharge your batteries. Do something you love; it could be binge-watching your favorite series or getting back into shape. Not all ladies like being on their own; some would prefer to be around other people; if that’s your preference, you could meet up with your friends for coffee or enjoy your partner's company.

Go back to Work After Having a Child on Your Own Terms

Having a child can be one of the most amazing times of your life, but also quite stressful. As soon as you start getting used to them, the time will come when you need to return to the workplace. Remember, going back to work is on your terms; you're the person in control, and you've another person to consider now. Be smart with your choice, go at a steady pace, and do what's suitable for the growth of your family. Jobs always come and go, but your family is with you for life.

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